Thursday, September 4, 2008


As usual, the school experience causes great stress in trying to figure out what I need to do and all the work that will be required of me in the next 16 weeks. This class is double the length of the usual 8 week course because it's a practicum. That means I need to find a preceptor. FAST. Seems like all the other students are already situated with their preceptors, know what seminars they will be attending, taken all their CLMs (courses in a binder to be tested on--total of 3, and I've only done one!) have already applied for graduation and have their tickets to Denver to attend the ceremony!


It's just the 3rd day and I'm feeling like I am inside a pressure cooker.

Come on December. I'll be SOOO glad when this is over.


Care said...

Wow, you have a lot going on! Either one (the class or the home remodel) would be quite a lot of stress - but both at the same time - yikes! Hopefully the remodel and the classwork will go smoothly. Love the pics below from the camping trip and the first day of school. It's still so hard to believe our babies are old enough for kindergarten!

cmay said...

I know!
Thanks for your support. You've got quite a bit to juggle too!