Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Yes, that's right! I passed. I passed. I paaaaasssssed!!
Not only did I pass but my score was an impressive 90%. Considering I flunked the first class, and my repeat test brought me just barely entering into the acceptable zone, I'm pretty happy with my results!
Whooo hooo! Glad that's over with. Now on to the next hurdle--write a scholarly paper worth 30% of my total grade, over the next 5 days. Usually, I'm pretty good under pressure, so hopefully it will all come together by the weekend.

For those waiting on news of what I might have done with my hour of volunteering in class with T, I worked with a few kids in trying to get the mathematical concepts of creating repeating patterns with a few lego pieces. And then transferring the created pattern to paper by coloring in the squares placed on the page. It was fun. The teacher gave me the names of kids who needed extra attention. At first, they didn't understand, but when I asked them to make a pattern and what would come next, they all answered correctly...eventually. It was good learning. T was totally excited to have me there. He introduced me to the class and then proceeded to bounce around the floor, walls, etc. The teacher said he's usually better behaved but, clearly, was excited to have me there. I took it as a good thing. But, hopefully, next week he'll be able to show me his "good manners". The last 20 minutes of my hour was spent sorting and organizing picture flash cards that, apparently, the kids had gotten a hold of on the day there was a substitute teacher. It was a mess, but easy enough to put in order again. Just takes a little time and a bunch of counter space to lay them all out.

Yesterdays time with my preceptor was better than last week. I had a little more to do and my preceptor had me "grade" quizzes and go over care plans turned in by the students.

Thursday I am taking an educational leave day to attend another lecture at the college. I also was invited to teach to all the third quarter nursing students on November 4. I'll be presenting information on infertility. I have the PowerPoint already but I'm going to change a few things to make it more meaningful to nursing students. They asked if I was OK in being taped. Yikes. I better put some thought to what I'm going to wear!

Tonight, like just about every night, T and I read a few stories before bed. A perfect ending to a perfect day.

1 comment:

For the Long Haul said...

Congrats on passing the test! And even more, congrats on living through the hour of volunteer time at school. I can't even imagine when I get to that place. Makes me cry just to think about it!