Recently I went to the dentist to have my teeth cleaned. Actually the one doing the work was the hygienist who just happens be be a very close friend. She felt the "all around" X-ray of my teeth/jaw was needed this visit too. So, I was escorted into a small closet-type space with a device dangling about the level of my mouth. Before she positioned the X-ray machine she asked me, "Is there any chance you could be pregnant?" Immediately I grinned. Then I had to stop myself from breaking out into a fit of laughter ('cause when I laugh, I've been told, people hear it--from great distances--in a good they say).
Then, a few days later, I was having my routine mammogram. The woman in charge who would shortly compress what God gave me into the thickness of your average buttermilk pancake (in TWO different directions, mind you!), asked me "Any chance you could be pregnant, or are you trying to become pregnant?"
Yowza! Really? I love that you asked! That means that you think I might actually be having sex with someone. (I'm not, but it's already exciting that someone THINKS I might be.) AND that you think I'm young enough that I could get pregnant!
Wow. You couldn't have said a nicer thing.
Small confession: I'm 47. But my ovaries think I'm old enough to collect social security.
And I'll deny my age at almost any occasion. It's a hang-up. I know. I'm working on it. But, it's a big step that I wrote it here and am sharing it with you. ;)
I have such a hard time saying my age out loud. It was worse before I had kids, because I always felt like I had missed my childbearing years. Now that I really won't be bearing any more children ('cause I have two wonderful sons) you'd think I'd lighten up about my age. I'll work on it too.
I enjoy pointing out to people that I haven't had sex in oh, about three years, but here is my 5 month old daughter! It cracks me up every time. But I guess it is also a little sad...
No kidding...a weird truth. I can truthfully say it's been since 1999, yet I conceived in 2002. Gotta love science! And thank goodness for our donors, so we had a choice in becoming mothers on our own terms.
I have to say from your little thumbnail picture you don't look 47 girl, at.all. I'm in my late thirties but feel like I am still 21, most days anyway. Of course no kids yet, and it bothers me as each birthday passes and I think about my eggs. Let this year be my year for a baby finally eh?
Why, thank you Wishing! I don't feel that old, but will admit that I need advantageous lighting to be sure I don't look awful in pictures, these days.
I understand about the age and the eggs, darn it. But you are not sitting around doing nothing! You have and ARE doing all you are supposed to be doing to create your child. I pray for you everytime I read your blog. Let this year be yours.
Laraf123: I totally get you on the age hang up. We are victims of society. Men just get wiser, more sophisticated, worldly, even handsome. Women just get old. Not fair. I wonder if this will ever change...I'd love to be old and actually have it be the desired state of mind or presence. LOL.
It's just a number, right?! I still can't believe how high that number is when it comes out of my kids still think I'm 38...and will, I think, for a good 10 more years. :-)
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