Friday, September 18, 2009


Well, I'm excited. The slug working on the club house has shown up 3 days this week and gotten some real work done. It's gettin' there. I still haven't spoken to him since he generally gets there after I leave and packs up before I come home. I'm sure he'll call me when he needs money.
Dad made a surprise visit to my house just before dinner time. I called mom, who had not quite yet arrived as expected and asked what was going on. She said, "Oh he's been talking about how much he missed T and said he might come by." So with the whole gang at my house, I opted for the easy dinner choice: Pizza. So I picked up a couple at Round Table (the best pizza I know!) armed with my 15% off coupon. I got $7 off my order and then the owner gave me back my coupon so I could use it another time! Wasn't that sweet? I told him I certainly would use it! Thanks, fella! Hmmm...was he flirting with me, or making it more likely a good customer would come back? Who knows.... But I like it when a man gives me a special treat with a beautiful smile. He's kinda cute, too. Now, I know what you're thinking. But, I don't think there's any potential. Well, OK. We'll just see how the next visit to the pizza parlor goes.
My mom stayed over last night with the intent of getting things going for the yard sale...but then Survivor was starting and we got all excited. Dad took his cue and left. He hates Survivor--all that conniving and back stabbing. I defend myself: It's entertainment, not life lessons to live by.
So much for doing actual work. We grinned at each other and sat down on the sofa. We were horrified with one contestant--a mean, manipulating, multi-millionaire who owns his own oil factory, for goodness sakes! We want him booted off ASAP! He's doing things like dumping his team-mates water out of their canteens, burning their socks in the fire while they sleep, and telling lies everywhere. Anything to make everyone tired, cranky, on edge and in a fighting mood. He's a mole. Only two people see him as the conniving SOB that he is--and one of them was voted off--totally due to the mole's (also known as Russell) nasty lies. He's horrible. I can't believe that ANYONE in the business world would want to work with him. He's completely untrustworthy, and an ASS. We'll see how things go. I'm going to keep tuning in. I'm a fan. A total fan to this show. And also to the Biggest Loser. LOVE that show! I've made it a rule, thanks to Bob, to do sit-ups, or squats with weights during every commercial break. And those breaks are LONG, I tell you. Didn't they used to be, like, every 15 minutes or so we'd have 2 minutes, 2 seconds of commercials before the regularly scheduled programming came back? Not anymore. I haven't actually timed it, but I think it's more in the range of 8 minutes--with about 8-10 minutes of the DESIRED programming thrown in between commercials. What happened to the rules?? They didn't ask the public to weigh in on it, because I KNOW we all would have said no to that change. But when you use the time to workout--it does, or will, bring great benefit to my legs and bum! If only I could stick to that rule with EVERY TV program I watch. So far, it's only with the Biggest Loser. They inspire me. :)
Wish me luck with the hard-bargaining yard sale shoppers tomorrow.


Care said...

Hope the yard sale goes went well yesterday. It's a lot of work getting ready - but hopefully it was worthwhile.


Hope the yard sale went well! I agree, it's a lot of work, but it will feel oh so good to get rid of stuff!

I totally think that Survivor portrays how many people work...especially in the corporate world. I think it's a great show to watch for corporate lessons. Sad but true! I haven't watched it in a long time...I miss it!