Saturday, August 1, 2009

Going to a birthday party!

Today is my best friend's youngest son's 6th birthday. Their having a Star Wars Jedi party. As expected the invitation was WAY creative and spoke of special Jedi Training that would be disguised as a birthday party but really was a way to get those Jedi's the special training they needed to defend the Earth from the evil Sith. I wish I could come up with that stuff!
My friend J is a total blast to be around anyway...and the addition of a bunch of super excited 6 year olds will make it over the top!
PLUS! The house next door to them is for sale! Of course they're asking WAY too much, but it would be a dream to buy it and live in a place with lots of same age kids on the street, EXcellent public schools, and community swim pool (with a swim team to boot!) , a park down the street and a creek side paved pathway that goes on for miles to ride bikes, jog or just enjoy the outdoors and nature! Did I mention it's right next door to my dearest, and oldest friend?
Well, it's a dream...I don't think the sellers would ever come down to my maximum offer, but....if it's meant to be mine....who knows?
I'm just going to look at it.....

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